Zirconia’s Ceramic System Accelerator™ (CSA) uses colloidal silica technology to provide an optimal surface for application of Zirconia’s Ceramic Surface Treatments. When applied at time of placement, it allows CeramycGuard™ to be applied in 5-7 days as opposed to waiting 28 days for traditional coatings.
CSA penetrates deeply into the accessible capillary system, reacting with the available free alkali, forming additional calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H). The treated concrete performs comparably to moisture cured concrete with reduced permeability, denser surface reduced drying shrinkage. This means that no curing agents need to be used or removed prior to applying coatings.
CSA and CeramycGuard™ can be used as the system of choice, part of an overall system for waterproofing above grade concrete and CMU where elastomeric systems are not required. CSA along with Zirconia’s Ceramic Surface Treatments provides permanent concrete protection while also providing improved conditions for concrete performance.